miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

La vie en bleu


En el post de hoy unos pantalones/leggins en azul de piel de melocotón súper cómodos y blusa blanca de encaje con manga al codo, la cual creo que va a ser mi blusa preferida esta temporada, y es que ahora mismo no dejo de pensar en outfits con ella, jejejejeje!! A pesar de esto, y aunque me va a costar bastante..., intentaré no sacarla demasiado en el blog ;-p

Vosotras tenéis ya una prenda favorita para este otoño? Cuál?

Mil besos!!


In today's post some blue very comfortable trousers/leggings of peach's skin and a white lace blouse with elbow-lenght sleeves, which I think is going to be my favourite blouse this season and it is that I can's spot thinking of ourfit with it, hehehehehe!! Despite this, and although it is gonna be quite difficult for me... I'll try not to show a lot on the blog ;-p

I've completed the look with jewel necklace in blue colors to give it a more chich touch and some flats with a bow.

Have you already have a favourite piece of clothing for this Autumn? Which is it?

A million kisses!!

Blusa/ Blouse: Zara
Pantalón/ Troushers: Zara
Zapatos/ Shoes: Latouche
Bolso/ Bag: PG
Collar/ Necklace: Zara

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